Tuning Journal for higher Education

Tuning Journal for Higher Education. Vol 5, Nº 1 (2017)
Regional responses to Higher Education world-wide challenges

Tuning Journal for Higher Education. Vol 4, Nº 2 (2017)
New environments and strategies for fostering students’ participation

Tuning Journal for Higher Education. Vol 4, Nº 1 (2016)
Steps for innovation: course units design, classroom experiences, and employability

Tuning Journal for Higher Education. Vol 3, Nº 2 (2016)
Echoes from micro and macro Higher Education Reform processes

Tuning Journal for Higher Education. Vol 2, Nº 2 (2015)
Research in Curriculum Development

Tuning Journal for Higher Education. Vol 2, Nº 1 (2014)
Policy and implementation: actions for curriculum reform

Tuning Journal for Higher Education. Vol 1, Nº 2 (2014)
Competence-based learning: a global perspective

Tuning Journal for Higher Education. Vol 1, Nº 1 (2013)
New profiles for new societies