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Promoting co-operation between communities, people and nations
Mª Pilar Díez (ed.), Rebecca Place (ed.), Olga Fernández (ed.)

Maior Series 11, 2012
Printed format - Print-On-Demand

ISBN: 978-84-9830-356-8    |    Euro: 27,60    |    166 p. 18x25,5 cm.

Digital format

ISBN: 978-84-9830-356-8    |    Euro: 12,40    |    Format: pdf, 1,33 Mb

Also in Digital Edition

The 2012 TESOL-SPAIN Convention held at the University of Deusto produced a number of relevant papers and presentations compiled in this book. The different papers deal with issues of concern for those teaching both English and in English, and show the progress made in this field to date. The authors are both national and international and their works tackle aspects such as motivation, new methodologies, new testing proce-dures and so forth.

Local Initiatives to the Global Financial Crisis

Local Initiatives to the Global Financial Crisis

Looking for Alternatives to the Current Socio-Economic Scenario
Eider Muniategi Azkona (Coord.), Lina Klemkaite (Coord.)

Maior Series 8 (Economy), 2012
Printed format - Print-On-Demand

ISBN: 978-84-9830-343-8    |    Euro: 21,20    |    116 p. 18x25,5 cm.

Digital format

ISBN: 978-84-9830-343-8    |    Euro: 8,70    |    Format: pdf, 458 kb

Also in Digital Edition

This book consists of a number of articles presented at the I DUSKE INTERNATIONAL FORUM “LOCAL INITIATIVES TO THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS” that took place at the University of Deusto on the 24th-26th of February 2010. The forum aimed to be a meeting point and a platform for interdisciplinary exchange of ideas, experiences and initiatives among participants both from Sylff and non-Sylff scientific and professional communities in the light of the 2007-2008 international financial crisis, focusing on feasible, reasonable and creative alternatives to the current socio-economic world view. Moreover, through the forum we exposed and explored some concrete examples of how ordinary people are dealing with and responding to the financial and social challenges posed by the last crisis of capitalism in their everyday lives.

Transnationalism in the Global City

Transnationalism in the Global City

Gerry Boucher (ed.), Annette Grindsted (ed.), Trinidad L. Vicente (ed.)

Maior Series 6 (Humanities), 2012
Printed format - Print-On-Demand

ISBN: 978-84-9830-314-8    |    Euro: 23,05    |    132 p. 18x25,5 cm.

Digital format

ISBN: 978-84-9830-314-8    |    Euro: 9,00    |    Format: pdf, 719 kb

Also in Digital Edition

This volume is a continuation of the EDMIDI series on Migration, Identities and Diversity. It addresses the research topic of transnationalism in global cities from a European perspective. The volume is based on the idea that the study of migration in urban areas should not only be confined to social problems, but that urban areas should also be seen as a strategic site for understanding new trends that reconfigure social order, inequality and conflict.

Using Remote Labs in Education

Using Remote Labs in Education

Two Little Ducks in Remote Experimentation
Javier García Zubía (ed.), Gustavo R. Alves (ed.)

Engeneering, 8, 2011
Printed format

ISBN: 978-84-9830-335-3    |    Euro: 40,00    |    464 p. 15x22 cm.

Digital format

ISBN: 978-84-9830-398-8    |    Euro: 18,00    |    Format: pdf, 7,97 Mb

Also in Digital Edition

«Second Best to Being There» is the title of the first chapter of this book. It is written by pioneers (Shor Bohus, Aktan) in remote experimentation in 1993 and it describes that a student/teacher can access a real experiment through Internet as being in the real lab. Chemistry, materials, electronics, physics and control engineering integrated in different remote labs are presented: iLAB (MIT, USA), VISIR (BTH, Sweden), labShare (UTS, Australia), and LiLA (Cambridge, UK).

New challenges of cultural observatories

New challenges of cultural observatories

Cristina Ortega Nuere (ed.)

Leisure Studies Papers n.º 45, 2011
Printed format - Print-On-Demand

ISBN: 978-84-9830-323-0    |    Euro: 22,65    |    262 p. 15x22 cm.

Digital format

ISBN: 978-84-9830-323-0    |    Euro: 6,00    |    Format: pdf, 1,39 Mb

Also in Digital Edition

The growing importance of cultural observatories as main agents for knowledge of culture, its development and evolution is evident in a work that combines the insights of experts and professionals in charge of the different Cultural Observatories in the world, mainly in Europe. The analysis of the origins and transformations that the role played by the Observatory has undergone in recent decades provides the basis for a well-informed discussion about the future of them.

Conjunctions and disruptions

Conjunctions and disruptions

Communication, Information and Media Studies in Europe
María J. Pando Canteli (ed.)

Maior Series (Humanities) 1, 2011
Paperezko euskarria - Print-On-Demand

ISBN: 978-84-9830-324-7    |    Euro: 35,10    |    224 p. 18x25,5 cm.

Digital format

ISBN: 978-84-9830-324-7    |    Euro: 14,00    |    Format: pdf, 1,52 Mb

Also in Digital Edition

Communication, Information and Media has become one of the most dynamic, exciting and innovative fields of study in our universities today yet it is also one of the most controversial. Never before have the media played such an extraordinarily important role as they do in late modern society; they have become venues not only for information but also for contested social and political configurations, for ideological mobilisation, and for leisure and consumerism. How can we cope with this frenetic rate of change, and how is it affecting curricular models in our institutions?.

Conjunctions and Disruptions: Communication, Information and Media Studies in Europe seeks to answer these questions by offering a transnational, multilayered and transdisciplinary reflection on communication studies in the European Higher Education Area: transnational because it includes contributions from six European countries and eight different higher education institutions; multilayered because it explores different aspects of the curriculum at different levels, ranging from curriculum design to research and teaching activities; and transdisciplinary because it addresses key issues in communication and media research and teaching that challenge traditional disciplinary divisions and venture into hybrid curricular models. Order


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